Posts Tagged ‘Leadership’

Perhaps the best example comes from sports, from basketball.  And, hopefully one of the members of some of the greatest teams in basketball history, will get elected into the Hall of Fame this year.  Not because of his likability, but because he was the right person on the right seat on the right bus on […]

A quick introduction to how to better understand the nature and impact of personality and personal styles. And what you can do to use this insight to become better at collaborating, leading, and following, in a diverse environment.

Listening is much more than simply shutting up. Master the art of listening makes you a better communiator, and ultimately better at interacting with other people. And, thus, improving your listening skills should improve your leadership.

Tough times reveals the strengths and the weaknesses of your organization like nothing else.  If you cannot wait (for economic downturn) to find out, one of the simplest (and much safer) ways to better the organisation’s processes (and consequently products and services) is through speed.  Speed up the processes, and possible bottlenecks can and will […]